We use only the finest, most appropriate malts, hops, water and yeast in our beers. While our lagers are similar to those made in Germany and the Czech Republic, they are our own unique interpretation of the style. Lager beers are fermented at lower temperatures than ale, using yeast that has adapted to cooler fermentations. Low temperature fermentations create fewer “yeasty” aromas, esters, and flavors that are so common in ales. We brew lagers because we enjoy their smooth malty and hoppy character.
This means using the best possible ingredients, from German malt and German, Czech, and Oregon hops, to McMinnville’s naturally soft water. We use a German-style step-mashing process that allows us to reduce the protein content of our beer, that when combined with long, low temperature lagering, results in maltier and naturally clearer beer without filtering. Our beers are conditioned in the fermentor, and canned without filtration. This creates a finer ‘bead’ (smaller bubbles) and a smoother texture. Finally we self-distribute our beers in Oregon and Washington and use a great craft distributor in California called Lime Ventures. This allows us to deliver our beer to market faster and with less opportunity for exposure to the things that can compromise beer flavor – excess heat, light, or age.
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